Friday, March 30, 2012

Nice guys finish last or do they?

I havn't got any comments since my last post so I will answer a question I hear all the time: Why don't girls ever date the nice guys or more commonly, why do girls always go after the douchebags? The girls don't go after them because they are douchebags or disregard you because you're nice. That isn't what they are responding to. They are responding to whether or not a man has confidence.
            Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, it is the douchebag that looks like he has confidence. The traits that make him look like the wrong person to you like the cocky demeanor and the arrogant personality are also the traits that are drawing the girls in. This is why the nice guy loses because compared to the douchebag, it looks like he has no confidence. You can be the nicest guy in the world but if you don't have any confidence, you will never get any girls.
         There is some good news though, the girls do say they want a nice guy most of the time. You're thinking they say it, but they don't mean it. They do mean it. It's just they want a nice guy not a doormat. Don't be the guy asking what's wrong all the time. If you can tell something is genuinely wrong, that is the time to ask. Don't do what you think will work. It hasn't gotten very far in the past. Respond to what she does by acting like yourself not what you think she wants you to act like. If you act like yourself and show confidence in yourself, the girls will respond to you. You don't have to be a douchebag to get someone.
        All you have to do is be yourself. When I say be yourself, I don't mean keep doing what you're doing because that is bound to fail. I mean be your best self. If you show the person you truly are in the best way you can, you will have a better chance. What this blog is basically saying is the main thing that attracts women is confidence. If you have no confidence, your odds will drastically drop. But if you show that you have confidence, you will have a better chance with women.

If you like this advice and want a question of your own answered, comment below.

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